Sony a77

The Week that Was - 2017-04-23

It was a wild week between work, Sara's school stuff, and the boys doing crazy Hank & Tank stuff. But the weather has started to warm in Austin and we are in the habit of sprinting outside as soon as the boys get home. Next door, there's a new house going up which has made for very exciting times at Hank & Tank Studios. And, we were lucky enough to have friends stop in over the weekend for some wonderful play time.

It's incredible watching the boys grow up. In the span of a couple weeks we've seen Tank swimming completely independently, Henry losing his first tooth, and the boys continuing to deepen their friendship playing independently for large spans of times (sometimes hours). Don't get me wrong, there's stuff that isn't as fun such as Tank's lingering cough and cold and his awful sleeping patterns, or Henry's croup but those are minor. I need to remind myself of that when I get exhausted.

Have a wonderful start to your week! 

Breaking Stereotypes - Beautiful Photography Celebrating Muslim American Families: The Ali Family

Sehba Ali is an amazing woman. Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to take photos of her and her amazing family. To say that the family is "awesome", "full of life", and "incredibly kind" would be a massive understatement.

Sehba is the Superintendent of KIPP Houston, a district of 26 public charter schools serving approximately 13,500 students. Sehba is great at what she does and her tireless service to the students and families will be recognized for generations.

From the start of our photo session it was clear just how much this family loves each other. Each family member's fantastic personalities shined through and the world is lucky to have the Alis!